Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Big girl!! :)

Can't believe it's time for baby food already!

Daddy brought home these cool foam "blocks"!

The girls LOVE playing with them!!

Their creation!  (With a little help from daddy :) )

First time bowling!!  Score!!!!!!

Daddy helping Rachel.

Emily excited about her last shot!

It may have taken her ball a while to get there
but she could do it all by herself! :)

Goofball in daddy's hat!

Last day of sports class was floor hockey!!

The girls had a blast with this class :)

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Little Julie in the big chair :)
Evolution of Winkler girls!! :)

Julie with cousin Courtney!

Emily cuddling with Auntie Beth :)

Rachel getting in some game time!

Tee-Ball!  Waiting for the ball with arms out.

And the mad scramble after the hit!  Rachel ended up with it!

Excited to watch before they're up to bat :)

Hi Mom :)

Taking notes....

And swiiiiiiiiiiiiiing batter, batter :)

Our lefty :)

Team cheer!

Slide at the park with Grammy!

Being goofballs :)

This statue never got so much love!

He was just their size! :)

She shoots, she scores!!

Julie enjoying a walk :)